
K-nitters rule!

From::Midwest, USA
Im me what do you want me to say?...hahah

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Bohemian Knitters
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Hi everyone remember me?

Im sorry ive been gone for so long! School is killin me this semester! Rachel's (I would post a link but I have no idea what her new email is) Steph said I needed to post something because shes in school and she has been doin her thang so I needed to also.

So here goes, when Im not studying Im spending my time with these two little lovies (Oh thats my favorite color of malabrigo! see there everything really is about yearn):

My oldest tried out for a part in the community play Rupunzel and actully got a part as a lady of the court,so were very proud of her! SHES SUCH A BLESSING!

I was in Stevens Point with the youngests daughters grandmother and I got some yearn at a little country outlet store called Don Smiths, it quite something and also went to Hershners and this is what I got:

That brown and white stuff is a little thing called CaraMia from this brand TLC. Ive nver used their stuff before but its an Acrylic( I KNOW DONT SAY A WORD! AT LEAST NOT UNTIL YOU HEAR WHAT ELSE IS IN IT) Nylon, Rayon, and Angora mix for 1.29 and it has 175yd/160m~! There is also this other stuff they told me about it at Hershners and said it was their best selling sock yearn its that Moda Dea Sassy Stripes. Its very bizarre its a self striping ACRYLIC Yearn? Now tell me I was not aware that you could make socks with Acrylic! But its black and white and a bit soft so I had to get it plus it was cheap and has 164 yds/150M. See why I had to get it~! The other is butterfly cotton on sale for 3 bucks a skein so I had to grab a few, even though it is a bit brightly for me! I wish I had time for a secret pal exchange (Punk Rock Gift Exchange) :( Hopefully suomeone will do it this summer also?

Last Sinday was this amazing little diddy at MOA(Mall of America) called Knit out 2007 and they had everyone from Lilly Chin to Bobby Matella is that how its spelled? Joye was up visiting so I went by myself on the second day and guess who I got the privalege of meeting? The illustrious Vickie Howell from Knitty gritty! She is about 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times more adorable in person! She had on these hot pink dickies and black Stellto platform boots! What a goddess! I got a photo on my phone but it looks like crap! Kinda like in a scrary movie when the photo blurs when someones about to die or theres a ghost..yeah exactly like that hahah

So today I picked the new Interweve up also and it made me miss all of you even more!

I grabbed it after seeing that new Jim Carrey flick 23 that was good! I think people dont give him enough credit because he can act! Like in Man in the Moon or Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind ey??! But Interweve is amazing as Im certain that you all know?

As for Stigmata, if you have switched over to the new blogger and want us to add you just contact Sev or I and well do it to it...I just really am not too hip on being forced to join with a Gmail account, even though I have one...its strange,and Rachel said I need to get out of the Dark Ages! hahaha

Miss all of you tons!



Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Hey girl, glad to see you are still alive and well. I was beginning to worry. I need to be readded to Stigmata. I have then ew blogger and all that. Is the site switched over, already? My email is to send the invite.

Oh yes, the Moda Dea Sassy Stripes yarn (the color you have is "stormy") is great for socks. I have made socks in that exact color, as well as several others. You have like 10 would make a cute striped sweater. I am that yarn. LOL!

Ok, take care and glad you are back. HUGS!

Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:49:00 PM  
Blogger Obsidian Kitten wrote...

i think it ate my comment.

i ain't typin it again. you know the gist: your gorgeous girls, yarn envy, and pls. invite me to stigmata again if you still love me.


Monday, February 26, 2007 1:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Okay. It won't let me access this with my Google account. *sigh* But I have one! If you could re-add me to Stigmata, that would be great.

*hugs* Kids and yarn both look great!

Friday, March 09, 2007 1:41:00 PM  

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